VET Pathways 2024/25 Course

North and South Metropolitan TAFE, ITWS, MPA and CTF Colleges offer a range of programs suitable for students to include as part of their WACE pathway to graduation. These courses are offered off the school site at TAFE campuses located across the greater Perth metropolitan area. Students are required to find their own way to the training course and attend all scheduled days of training, participate in excursions and work placements as required by the program. Students are able to access only one funded (VETDSS) program during year 11 & 12. 

Programs include:

VETDSS – VET for Schools profile course (students attend TAFE 1-2 days per week and possibility of 1 day work experience in relation to their TAFE course)
SBT – School Based Traineeships (1 – 2 Days per week out of school with a registered contract arrangement)
PAiS – Pre-apprenticeships in Schools (Usually 2 days per week out of school with a registered contract arrangement)

Students are only able to complete one of these funded programs as per the VET in Schools policy. Please note all applications must be endorsed by the school.

Students must:

Be personally motivated to attend and actively participate with other students in the class
Demonstrate behaviour appropriate to an adult learning environment,
Have sufficient literacy and numeracy skills to cope with course content and workplace requirements,
Be able to demonstrate an interest in and aptitude for their selected course

How and what do I need to apply?

Students will need to follow each RTO’s application process. In order to apply students must have the following documentation –

School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) number (this can be found on your school report or COMPASS)

A Unique Student Identifier (USI) – if you don’t have one please visit;

Parent or guardian email address and mobile number;

Current school report in electronic format (e.g.: PDF);

Resume, references and any certificates which will help support your application; and

A Student Statement outlining why you should be selected to participate in the course (please note there is a limit of 255 characters that can be entered in this section).

** Please note it is a requirement for all Pre-Apprenticeship applications to have a minimum of C Grades in English and Maths

VETiS Course Information

For any enquiries please contact Belinda Lawrie at or 9303 7462.