Cyber Security

Domain: Technologies
Timetable: Trimester 1, 2 or 3
Length of Course: 1 Trimester

Course Information

In this elective you will learn a range of techniques to start your journey to becoming a cyber-security expert! With 3.5 million unfilled jobs being created by the end of 2025, cybersecurity is fast expanding into one of the most sought-after professions.

In Cyber Security you will be introduced to basic cryptography concepts, securing online information, looking at how these concepts and different methods are used in industry today. You will have opportunities to solve real-world problems given to you by cyber security experts as they share what it’s like to work in the cyber security industry. You will develop skills and knowledge as you learn through these hands-on cyber activities that can set you up for an exciting career post school.

This elective includes participation in the CISCO Network Academy courses as you complete courses on topics such as the Internet of Things and Intro to Cyber. This will see you earning Cisco Digital Badges by completing courses, further developing and supporting your online digital credentials.

Additional Information

Estimated Charges: $40

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