Soccer Academy & Certificate II Sport and Recreation

Domain: Health and Physical Education (HPE)
Timetable: Trimester 1, 2 and 3
Length of Course: All Trimesters

Course Information

Are you an elite soccer player who wishes to forge a path as a professional? Are you interested in developing your skills and tactical knowledge in a sport you are passionate about within school hours? Whilst the Academy has a soccer focus, the program will also work on improving a wide range of skills, tactics and physical competencies, developing values and team collaboration as well as delivering social, mental and emotional education to support the overall wellbeing of students.

Students will build on their coaching skills by developing progressive session plans with their peers. Students will also have the opportunity to become a qualified Level 3 official by completing a Football West qualification. This will allow them to get paid by Football West in Year 11 and 12 to officiate Junior Soccer games.

Students will engage in 2 Physical Education classes per week as well as an accreditation in Certificate II Sport and Recreation for 4 periods.

Entry into Soccer Academy will occur through a selection process. Successful students will sign a policy to ensure they consistently uphold the values of the College.

Pathway Information




This course is further complimented by:

  • Certificate III Sport and Recreation (Soccer)

Students undertaking this course may wish to consider tertiary studies in:

  • Exercise and Sport Science
  • Physiotherapy
  • Biology

This course suits direct workforce entry into the following:

  • Athlete
  • Armed Forces
  • Emergency Services
  • Personal Trainer
  • Coach
  • Recreation Officer

Additional Information

Estimated Charges: $150