Welcome to English

The English Domain’s courses are shaped by our teachers’ love of English and Western Australian Curriculum requirements- our teaching and learning always aims to spark our students’ curiosity for the subject. Students learn about the English language and how to use it effectively through their study of a wide range of written, spoken, multi-modal and visual texts. Our courses are designed to foster a lifelong interest in language and a love of reading and creating texts. Students learn to create texts of their own and to engage with those produced by other people. We regularly invite students to enter competitions and listen to visiting writers, poets and performing artists in order to extend their class studies of English.


Year 7 & 8

English – Year 7

Our students create a range of imaginative, informative and persuasive types of texts, for example narratives, procedures, performances, reports and discussions, and are beginning to create literary analyses and transformations of texts.

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Year 9

Year 10

Avengers Assemble

In this course you will explore the world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe by examining narrative schemas, character archetypes, intertextuality and links to mythology.

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The Gender Agenda

What does it mean to be a woman today? What is it to be a man? What expectations does society place upon us and how are we “supposed” to fit traditional gender stereotypes? Where have these stereotypes even come from? And who defined male and female social norms in the first place?

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The Sportswriter

In this course you will read about player stats and research and craft profiles about your favourite sports stars. You will also learn about how different media organisations choose to represent sport stars and how misrepresentation of a player’s life can lead to controversy.

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When I Grow Up

In When I Grow Up, you will learn about one of the oldest types of stories: the Coming-of-Age story. From sickness and heartbreak to family and friendships, you will explore how growing is not easy for anyone.

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Writing for Purpose

In Writing for a Purpose, you will learn how to write a range of texts, focusing on the importance of structure, clarity and using language to effectively influence your audience.

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You’re A Wizard Harry

In this course, you will use the Harry Potter series (both the novels and their film adaptations) to explore notions of dichotomy, such as good and evil, as well as learning about a range of literary conventions, such as archetypes, allusion, intertextuality and symbolism.

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Year 11 & 12

English (ATAR)

The English ATAR course focuses on developing students’ analytical, creative, and critical thinking and communication skills in all language modes, encouraging students to critically engage with texts from their contemporary world, the past, and from Australian and other cultures.

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English (General)

The English General course focuses on consolidating and refining the skills and knowledge needed by students to become competent, confident and engaged users of English in everyday, community, social, further education, training and workplace contexts.

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Literature (ATAR)

In the Literature ATAR course, students learn to create readings of literary texts and to create their own texts, including essays, poems, short stories, plays and multimodal texts.

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