Before you start your enrolment form, it is important you know what documents you need and information to include.
Please complete and submit the Student Enrolment Form and attach supporting documentation for confirmation of this student’s enrolment.
Family details should include details of parents or carers residing at the same address as the student being enrolled.
Any details relating to parents not residing with the student may be included in the Parent/Guardian details section of this form.
While it is not a legal requirement to provide all of the details requested in the Enrolment Form, the information is sought to enable the Department to:
Before completing and submitting the online enrolment form, please ensure you have digital copies of the following documentation for each student:
If your child was not born in Australia, you must provide:
In addition, if your child is a temporary visa holder, you must provide:
If you do not have access to this documentation now, you can still proceed with the online enrolment as above, however your application may be delayed until the required documents are provided to the College. Please contact the College for further information and assistance.