2023 5-Star Innovative School
In 2023 our College was Nationally recognised as a 5-Star Innovative School.
The Educators 5-Star Innovative Schools recognises the dedication, commitment and initiatives delivered by schools across the country to prepare today’s young adults for the future.
Our whole school approach to STEM and our diversity of curriculum pathways provides opportunities for students, especially in Year 10, to explore STEM pathways, from Sciscope and CoRE, to P-TECH, Cyber Security and Space Sciences.
Our dedicated STEM pathways engages Year 7 to 12 students and continues to place our College at the forefront of change and innovation.
Congratulations to our students and staff, collectively we are recognised as one of the country’s most forward thinking schools.
Earlier in 2023 at the WA Cyber Security Industry Awards, Joseph Banks Secondary College was awarded the 2023 Highly Commended Cyber Organisation Award, in recognition of the successful collaboration of our P-Tech program.
We couldn’t achieve this without the ongoing support of our P-TECH partners, and their fabulous and dedicated staff who have contributed to both our P-TECH Steering Committee and as mentors for our students.

A massive shout out to Edith Cowan University, North Metropolitan TAFE, BHP, CyberCX, Trustwave, Altrium Security, CyberWest, Kinetic IT and Asta Morton for your support to establish, maintain and continue to develop the program.
We look forward to continuing our P-TECH work with our partners as the strategy develops further, to build the workforce pipeline for the sector.