Specialist Maths A and B

Domain: Maths
Timetable: Trimester 1, 2 or 3
Length of Course: 2 Trimesters

Course Information

Want to extend your mathematics knowledge and understanding to the next level and appreciate the true nature of mathematics, its beauty and its functionality? This course provides opportunities for you to develop complex mathematic understanding to delve deeper into algebraic concepts and apply your understanding to create mathematical models. You will use modern technologies, including graphics calculators, to explore and investigate concepts.

Pathway Information




This course is further complimented by:

  • Mathematics Methods (ATAR)
  • Mathematics Specialist (ATAR)

Students undertaking this course may wish to consider tertiary studies in:

  • Bachelor of Science
  • Bachelor of Commerce

This course suits direct workforce entry into the following:

  • Bank Officer
  • Retail
  • Insurance Agent
  • Laboratory Worker

Additional Information

Estimated Charges: $21 per trimester