Welcome to eSports at Joseph Banks Secondary College

We teach students how to compete and play effectively through lessons and curriculum designed to teach students team work, communication, resilience, respect and problem solving. Students in the eSports Academy will develop their skills through game play and unplugged activities.

What is eSports?

eSports is a form of sports competition using online video games. At Joseph Banks Secondary College we focus on video games that are team based. Any student enrolled at Joseph Banks Secondary College can express their interest in joining the eSports Academy, students are then placed in the Academy if spaces are available. Students in the Academy will attend eSports before or after school depending on the College timetable.

Take a look at our eSports Academy and how it works.

Why eSports?

The aim of the eSports Academy is to provide an opportunity for every student to be apart of a team and competitive environment, while learning skills that can assist them in all aspects of life. Our programme assists students in the development of their communication, problem solving, collaboration, resilience and team work skills.


Students that join the academy have the opportunity to develop these skills, both on the computer and unplugged.



eSports News and Updates

News and Updates
Shaun Barnett

eSports Carnival Success

On December 2nd 2021, Joseph Banks Secondary College hosted the second annual Interschool eSports Carnival with Alkimos College and Clarkson Community High School in attendance. The event was an amazing success, with roughly 70 students in attendance from the three schools.

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News and Updates
Joseph Banks Secondary College

2021 eSports Carnival – Day Information

Get readyOur Interschool eSports Carnival is here! Operational information for the big event is below. Its is that time of year again, the Interschool eSports Carnival! I really enjoy planning and delivering an event of this scale for students that are so excited to compete in a team. This year

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Academy Structure

In 2023 the Academy will introduce two different streams that students can participate in. All students that are new to participating in eSports will be placed in the Contenders stream.

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Esports Logo Master_Small

Pro League

Academy Games

We have a diverse range of games available for our teams to compete in. Each game has their own relevant competitions, which may include state, national and international. All of our taught games focus on working in team environments. Students can participate in as many games as they like, provided their is space on their timetable to join.