Calling all young people that have a love of either Sport, The Arts, Science and those who Aspire to achieve! Joseph Banks Secondary College has specifically designed Specialist Programs and Academies and now is the time to enrol and apply for the 2023 school year.

If you are not able to attend the evening you may still apply. Applications are due no later than Monday 13 June 2022. You can complete an enrolment online through our College website, or visit the College to collect a hard copy. Be sure to select the Programs or Academies you are interested in and attend the trial dates!

Aspire (Academic Extension)

The Aspire Program at Joseph Banks Secondary College is a school based Specialised Program that provides an opportunity for students in Middle School, Year 7-9 to be extended and challenged in the areas of Mathematics, English, Humanities and Social Sciences and Science.

Creative and Performing Arts

The Joseph Banks Secondary College Creative and Performing Art Academy’s (CPA) promote innovative practice that encourage students to participate in a range of academy areas as described here.

2023 Trial Information

Future students that wish to apply for the Creative and Performing Arts Academy for the 2023 school year are invited to attend the below trial. 


CoRE (Centre of Resource Excellence) is the perfect place for students who love science. Students work in business units on real-world projects to develop their enterprise skills. They also participate in a range of fieldtrips to develop their understanding  of how the world works.”

2023 Trial Information

Future students that wish to apply for CoRE for the 2023 school year are invited to attend the below trial.

eSports Academy

We teach students how to compete and play effectively through lessons and curriculum designed to teach students team work, communication, resilience, respect and problem solving. Students in the eSports Academy will develop their skills through game play and unplugged activities.

2023 Trial Information

Students are not currently required to participate in a trial for eSports. When enroling in the College, students and families should select eSports in their application. The College will be in touch with students that have applied in August 2023 with next steps.

Sporting Academies

Sports Academy’s focus on developing pathways for students beyond just committing to a sporting team.

2023 Trial Information

Future students that wish to apply for one or more of our Sporting Academies for the 2023 school year are invited to attend the below trial(s). Families will be provided with further information once they have applied through their enrolment.