Mike Spanier
Discovery Learning Leader
- michael.spanier@education.wa.edu.au
- 08 9303 7414
Mike has been the Discovery Learning Leader of the Joseph Banks Secondary College ‘Discovery Centre’ since 2016, performing the dual role of Teacher Librarian and Integrated Studies Domain Leader. Adopting the approach of the Learning Commons, the Discovery Centre at JBSC is dynamic learning space which serves the entire College. Mike oversees the use of the space both a Library and Information hub, study centre, creative zone and exhibition centre where showcases of student’s creative and innovative work feature prominently. Collaborative teaching and learning and a focus on inquiry are two areas Mike promotes and are key features of the Discovery Centre at JBSC.
As part of Joseph Banks Secondary College’s ‘STEAM Team’ Mike leads the Integrated Studies domain ensuring students are engaged in project-based learning and acquire the 21st century skills of collaboration, problem solving, communication and personal and social development. Mike oversees, with the support of the Integrated Studies teaching team, the development of a project based Integrated Studies curriculum that is cross curricular in its approach, technology focussed and allows students to build their capacity in the Australian Curriculum’s General Capabilities and Cross Curricular Priorities.