Strategic Intent

Joseph Banks Secondary College is an innovative, future thinking public school, committed to creating a vibrant culture of excellence, opportunity and success for our students, staff and the community.  Our previous two Business Plan cycles have seen the College develop into an award winning and nationally recognised school of excellence.

Joseph Banks Secondary College staff believe that every student can learn, and provided with the right opportunities and support will learn to high levels of success. This is achieved through: the guarantee of challenging, engaging and intentional instruction that has been carefully planned to ensure curricular pathways to student success; the provision of whole child student supports; a high-performance school culture; and a high reliability and low variability approach to student learning. We are committed to the Quality Teaching Strategy and our work is aligned to the Teach for Impact document.

Our Business Plan is driven by a personal commitment to seeing every student learning successfully, and working toward their potential. Our aim for the college is to nurture every student’s talents and to provide all students with the knowledge, skills, attributes and values they will require for successful ongoing learning and life beyond school. We recognise that, for many students, education is the key to improving the circumstances of disadvantage and our staff are driven by virtue that has at its heart a commitment to the care and development of each and every student.

We understand that the successful pursuit of the College’s mission depends on a team effort, which in turn depends on strong, purposeful relationships between all members of the College community as well as with external stakeholders. Our Business Plan outlines the Colleges’ priority areas, with the aim to foster a cohesive culture in which the whole College collaborates around the common objective of meeting every student’s learning needs and seeing all students learning successfully.


Our Vision
At Joseph Banks Secondary College, our vision is to create Literate, Numerate and Curious Learners.

Our Pillars

Joseph Banks Secondary College was founded on the following pillars upon which we have established our culture. These pillars were negotiated through community, parent and student consultation and are the building blocks for our work.


At Joseph Banks Secondary College we provide multiple opportunities for all students to achieve excellence. Through specialised programs and strong partnership. Joseph Banks Secondary College caters for a wide range of ability and interest.


At Joseph Banks Secondary College we hold high standards and expectations for students, staff and the wider community. A culture of excellence is supported by individual pursuit of personal best in all aspects of achievement.


At Joseph Banks Secondary College through inquiry and project based learning we are innovative and forward thinking co-learning designers in creating unique opportunity that can contribute to real life application.


At Joseph Banks Secondary College we encourage and celebrate achievement. Students are engaged in powerful learning that provides continuous opportunity for success.