Year 11 & 12
Our Vision
We believe that all individuals in our community should have every opportunity extended to them to assist them in reaching their full potential. The focus of our work is on serving every child, every lesson, every day.
In Year 10, our students are provided with the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of engaging courses across a range of contexts. The variety of pathways and subject offerings in Year 11 allow our students to build upon their Year 10 experience to pursue excellence in their personalised pathway to success.
Our aim is to develop a Senior School that caters to the needs of our young adult learners so that they can take the next important steps in their life. Our primary goal is to move students to increasing independence where they understand, appreciate and accept responsibility for the choices they make, and in doing so, make the most of their opportunities. As mature young adults, our students will be able to develop the ability to establish and maintain authentic relationships, both in and out of the College to support them in their personalised pathway to success.
Our Mission

Jack Milton
Leading Teacher – Solaris
(Year 11)

Raquel Williamson
Leading Teacher – Corvus
(Year 12)

Paul Muir
Associate Principal – Year 11 & 12
Our mission is to develop a culture of mutual respect and trust, where the relationship between staff and students reflects a more mature approach as would be expected in a college catering for young adults. Our Staff are committed to helping students develop to their full potential.
We hold high standards and expectations for all of our students. They are supported in their individual pursuit of their own personal best in all aspects of achievement.
In Year 11 and 12, we provide a range of opportunities for our students to achieve excellence across a variety of pathways. Our students are encouraged to strive for excellence in their chosen pathway in attending University, TAFE or securing future employment across a wide range of industries.