Year 10

Complete up to 20 courses while in Year 10

Our Year 10 model allows students to test out what interests them in preparation for their pathway in Year 11 and 12.

Welcome to the Enterprise Community

Our mission is to develop a culture of mutual respect and trust, where the relationship between staff and students reflects a more mature approach as would be expected in a college catering for young adults. Our Staff are committed to helping students develop to their full potential.

Our Year 10 students will be offered courses that are relevant, engaging and involve real life experiences. The aim of these courses is to provide stimulating, rigourous learning programs that prepare the students for success in Year 11 and 12 courses. It is our aim to provide personalised pathways for each individual; who can learn through a range of courses that engender aspiration in students to achieve their personal best.

Choose from over 60 courses in Year 10

Personalised Pathways

Students will have a range of courses to select from, with each student being able to select their own program that suits their individual aspirational goals and enables them to meet the requirements as determined by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA). Students in Year 10 will be required to complete a Certificate II qualification which will provide them a strong foundation in further training as well as providing a safety net of up to 4 unit equivalents for Year 11 and 12. Students should select the courses that they want to participate in based on their personal aspirations and discussions they have with families, and teachers, as well as ensuring their selections satisfy the schools minimum requirements, which are outlined in Section 6 Selection Process.

Take a look at the courses offered in Year 10